Nine advertising agencies are competing for customers. Each of them has to do a pitch in order to land their dream customer. When the pitches are done, they are presented to the customers (played by the teachers), who will then pick and choose the best ones. The agencies with the worst pitches will end up with boring customers that pay less money.
When the customers have signed contracts (agreeing on pay and services), they have to do the commercials. They can range from tv-commercials to ads in the local newspaper. However, the companies that do well might get paid extra money.
The whole course ends with a two-hour long award show, where all the different agencies compete.
There are two ways of winning the game: Either you can win the award show, or you can win on money earned (in relation to the amount your agency started out with).
Im interested in hearing more about the competition element.
SvarSletI work at a school that prides itself og useing cooperative learning, that as you probably know has eliminatet all competition - unfriendly as well as friendly.
I think there are good and bad things to be said about the competition element. Good: It's extremely efficient, because it's such a strong drive in most people. Especially the generation I'm teaching (12-16 year olds), which was brought up on computer games.
SvarSletBad: It's very close to behaviourism ( As a teacher, I guess you know why the behaviouristic approach is not desireable in the long run, but just to elaborate: You don't want to make pupils into mindless idiots who, like Pavlov's dogs, only finish assignments in order to get rewarded. You want pupils to aquire knowledge because it's *right*.
On the other hand, we are competing with the whole computer games industry...
It's an interesting ethical discussion, though, and I'll try and see if I have time to devote a post to it at some point :)
I think you are right. I like the aproach CL takes, but i do like a little friendly competition once in a while.
SvarSletI have to ask, do you have anything for 'børnehaveklassen'? Or do you mostly have stuff for older childern?